
What To Do After Losing A Loved One: 21 Steps – Finger Financial Five #176

Losing a loved one is never easy, and it can be overwhelming to know what steps to take next. In the following video, a financial advisor shares 21 practical steps to help you navigate through the process after losing a loved one. From managing finances to dealing with communication, this video offers valuable advice for anyone going through this difficult time.

  1. Notify friends and family
  2. Designate a leader 
  3. Communication 
  4. Lock the house down
  5. Contact funeral home 
  6. Contact their financial advisor, CPA, and Attorney 
  7. Notify Social Security Office 
  8. Notify other government organizations
  9. Medicare Advantage plan 
  10. Contact their employer or former employer 
  11. Contact insurance companies
  12. Make a list of all debts and bills 
  13. Inventory of assets  
  14. Contact credit card companies
  15. Contact 3 major credit organizations 
  16. Call DMV
  17. Cancel memberships 
  18. Close email & website accounts 
  19. Work with CPA 
  20. IRA account 
  21. Estate Attorney 
After Losing a Loved One

You can also listen to the video as a podcast if you prefer. Click here.

On the lighter side, I attended the Stratos National Convention. Elliott and Iren attended too. I spoke on a couple of panels about best practices for financial advisors. Met many good people. I did get to squeeze in some early fishing one day.


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