“Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.” -St. Augustine
Had a conversation with a lady last week. She was on my Social Security webinar. She said her husband really wanted to work less, so they can travel more. She was worried that they did not have enough money and needed to wait to retire. After doing a Social Security and retirement analysis as part of our F.L.O.W. process, I was able to share with her, that she and her husband can start TODAY. Using an optimized strategy, they are likely to get over $100,000 more in Social Security benefits during their lifetime. Her husband’s work was a choice and entirely optional. I could feel the relief through the phone. It warmed my heart.
She was standing on the finish line and did not know it. Many people do that. They are unaware they are already there. They had what they wanted all along, like the time I was searching for sunglasses that were on my head. She did have the courage to at least check where she stood.
Other people are on the path to what they seek and do not know it. This requires a little bit of faith and little bit of preparation. A young client of mine is saving 20% of his gross income and doing it automatically (the preparation). He asked if he was going to be ok. Tomorrow is not guaranteed but he is certainly putting the odds in his favor (the faith).
One more thought on Social Security, is when you start taking your benefits affects tremendously YOUR benefit AND the benefit of your spouse. So, it is not only your longevity to consider, but that of the surviving spouse as well. Feel free to ask my any questions. No obligations. Just happy to help.
I am preparing for a marathon in March. I was running last week and quickly realized that the old pair of socks I grabbed, were sliding down my ankle to the front my shoe on every stride I took. The socks would ball up around my toes. This was an uncomfortable problem. I gutted it out the run. When I got home, I ordered new socks and threw away the old ones away. Few lessons here: 1) Prepare – for the task ahead. Have the proper tools. Like the young client did by setting savings up automatically. 2) Faith – just do todays work as required and tomorrow will work out just fine. 3) Finish – If I am prepared, have faith in the steps, I should eventually Stand on the Finish Line.
PPP round 2 of loans are now available. It is similar but different, as they have added some additional items to qualify this time. One item of note, your business has to have a 25% reduction in gross receipts between comparable quarters in 2019 and 2020 OR a 25% reduction annually from 2019 to 2020.
For direct help with your loan or questions on what to do, feel free to contact:
Jerry O. Jenerette of United Bank, Direct – 843-429-2463, Mobile – 843-637-584, Jerry.Jenerette@bankwithunited.com
Bryan Lenertz of Anderson Brothers Bank, Tel: 843-712-2235 Ext:2601 Fax: 843-712-2985, bryanl@abbank.com
Mary Jo Rogers at South Atlantic Bank, 843-839-4419 MJrogers@SouthAtlanticbank.com
On the lighter side, Elliott is almost (?) taller than me. It is close enough where I can still argue about it. Soon enough, I am happy to say, he will be able to look down on me.
Hope all is well with you and your family,
Jeremy Finger, CFP®, CIMA®, CRPC®, CPFA
Founder & CEO
Wealth Management Advisor
Finger Financial Five – 5 points in 5 minutes or less – is to provide you with a weekly shot of useful financial information. My intention is to share principles, so that you will have more clarity and peace, that help you make better financial decisions.
Investment advice offered through Stratos Wealth Advisors, LLC, a registered investment advisor; DBA Riverbend Wealth Management.
This content is developed from sources believed to be providing accurate information and provided by Riverbend Wealth Management. The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. Stratos Wealth Partners and its affiliates do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, tax, legal or accounting advice. You should consult your own tax, legal and accounting advisors before engaging in any transaction.