You have earned the right to live your best life. (Whatever that means to you.) You may not know exactly what that best life looks like for you yet, though, so hopefully, this framework we are about to share can help.
‘What do I truly desire out of this life?’
Alan Watts Tweet
Do you have an answer to that question? If not, take some time to contemplate that. The key here is to think beyond the surface level.
Not just:
- ‘What brings me instant gratification?’
But rather:
- ‘What would bring me to a new level of meaning and deep fulfillment?’
Once you’ve taken the time to get ultra clear on the initial question, the follow-up questions are:
- ‘What actions am I taking that are bringing me closer to that?’
- ‘Which ones are taking me further away?’
Take some time to contemplate these questions and your answers. Write down your thoughts and write out some goals that can help get you closer to where you want to go. Our favorite methodology for goal-setting is the S-M-A-R-T method.
Make each of your goals:
- S – Specific
- M – Measurable
- A – Attainable
- R – Relevant
- T – Time-Based
If you have a big picture goal that feels overwhelming, start small. A 3-year goal can be broken into 3 separate 1-year goals. And each of those 1-year goals can be broken into 4 separate 3-month goals. Or any other combination of time-frames that works for you. One key aspect to remember is to balance being goal-oriented with being grateful for where we are today.
This all might sound like it’s outside of the realm of finance, and to an extent, it is. But not entirely.
What is finance anyway? Finance is simply the management of money. And money is simply a tool. A tool for what though?
Each person uses this tool differently. Money can buy you things, yes. But when it’s all said and done, do any of us really think ‘things’ are what matter?
We believe the ideal use of money is to bring ourselves and our loved ones to new levels of financial freedom, peace of mind, and quality of life.
All of which empower us to spend more time, money, and energy on our family, our community, our passions, and our purpose.
In our view, living your best life is about those true riches, the kind that money can’t buy.
Written By: Paul Saunders CRPC®
On the lighter side
I attended the South Carolina Financial Planning Association meeting on Tuesday. It was good to share best practices and envision ideas for the future.