
Taking Care of Aging Parents and the Sandwich Generation-Finger Financial Five #188

Taking Care of Aging Parents and the Sandwich Generation

“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”

My wife is back in Bulgaria tending to her mom and dad. Each have their own health related issues. If all goes well, she should be back in a few weeks.  

She said to me, “I thought when Elliott was out of the house, I would have all of this time to do other things.” 

I told her about the ‘Sandwich Generation’. This is an age where you may be asked to take care of children and aging parents.  

How do we handle this? 

First, we need to have buffers in our life… 

  • Financialflexibility – To handle some swings in expenses.
  • Time – The ability to take on and complete sensitive projects. This is related to buffers at work too.  
  • Relationships – Having healthy and stable relationships so that you can work together during times of higher stress.
  • Physical – Being able to take the stairs, if the elevator doesn’t work. 
  • Spiritual – A clear mind and a calm heart guides you to what is right

“Put back more that you take.” 

– Slogan for Wildlife Action (a conservation society founded where I grew up) 

Consistent deposits into these areas gives the ability to withdraw without drastic consequences.  

When you do this, it may look like luck to others. “Oh, you were able to do that because…” 

You were able to do that because you were prepared… 

We are using all these buffer deposits with her parents.  

Second, we need to be informed… 

Here is a video I did on Family Guide to Caregiving.  

Aging Parents

Below you can download a checklist on what to consider when taking care of aging parents. This document covers:

  • Cash Flow & Living Arrangements
  • Estate Planning
  • Insurance
  • Tax Planning
  • Asset & Debt
Download checklist on what to consider when taking care of aging parents
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Thank you all for sending in your stories of how you were increasing your Happiness Conversion Rate. At some point, I may ask your permission to share your pictures and/or experiences to inspire others.  

On The Lighter Side

I did an improv show this past Friday night. This was the third show I have done. Wasn’t my best. It is free family fun. Come check out the next one at Carolina Improv.


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Retirement Ready Checklist

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