Hello, this is Jeremy Finger Riverbend Wealth Management. What we’re going to talk about today is what to do when markets are volatile, okay? What are some specific actions you can do to take advantage of the market volatility and improve your financial position? Take a look at the chart. What we have here is the calendar returns for the S&P 500 from 1984 to 2018. And what you see here is, you see, foot was the market bottom throughout each year. What was the market bottom for 1990, 1998? What was the market bottom and what did the actual market do by year end? And what you’re going to notice, the average drawdown, which is the average, it went down, it was almost 10%. But the median return was around 13% over that same period of time. So, the thing is, that it’s going to be volatile throughout the year, but at the end of the day or more specifically the end of the year, typically the market for cover, okay? But what are some actions you can do to actually take advantage of this thing? If you have a taxable account and your investments are properly allocated, you can do some strategic rebalancing. What does that mean? Well, what you can do is take some taxable losses when things are down, rotate those out into some other types of investments. And what that does is, it books you some losses today to help maybe reduce your future tax liability. Well, Jeremy, I don’t have much in a taxable account, all my stuff’s in an IRA or retirement plan. Well, at that point, maybe you can do a Roth conversion. You can take these lower asset prices, convert those to a Roth IRA. You pay taxes on the lower amount, but once it’s inside of a Roth IRA, it grows tax free and comes out tax free. So to recap, volatility does not equal loss, okay? You can actually take advantage of the loss by strategic rebalancing. Or Roth conversions, these guys, those strategies may or may not pertain to you if you want to know specifically how you can take advantage of certain things in this environment. Feel free to give me a call. My contact information is below. You can set up a 15 minute phone appointment. No obligation whatsoever. And all of this is confidential. I want to either confirm that there are some things you can do to take advantage of it or either confirm that you are on the right track and everything is OK. I hope all is well with you and have a great day. Thank you.