Never Retire – Finger Financial Five #194

FFF 194

“I tap dance to work.”

Wanting never retire is the same as retirement.

Retirement can mean many things to many people. You may want to live in the mountains, where I may want to live near the ocean.

But mostly retirement means doing what you want to do when you want to do it. In one word, retirement is freedom.

Each day you can gain a little more freedom by giving up a thing or two you don’t like to do by delegate, automate, or deleting it. This can be in your personal life or work life. When you free up that time, which can take time to do, use that time wisely.

What do I mean by wisely? Well, what give you energy? And what gives you energy and produces income (work)? Energy and fills your heart? What is meaningful to you?

When doing something meaningful, you become pulled to do it. An observer may “see” work, but it can feel like play to you. It can take time and self-reflection to find what “meaningful” is to you. And what “it” is can change.

This is why you can work and feel retired. Or you can retire and be unfulfilled without something meaningful.

So, in 2025 and beyond, take time to do a heart check. Free up your time from things that are less meaningful to more meaningful.

News from around the office- You will see beautification of the Riverbend website over the next 30 days. We are going to be publishing in depth YouTube videos that on the front of mind of retirees and business owners. We are adding a new hire next week. We will introduce her in next weeks FFF.

On the lighter side

Elliott did well at the University of South Carolina this semester. We are 50-50 in chess matches over this break. I caught my first tarpon on the fly rod. I also caught a couple Snook.

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