When Are You Required To Take Money From Your IRA & How Is It Calculated?

required to take money from your ira

What are the required minimum distributions and how are they determined?

When are you required to take money from your IRA? Beginning at age 72, you must begin to withdraw money from your retirement accounts every year. The amount is determined based on your life expectancy as contained in the IRS table’s required minimum distributions are computed by dividing the account balance at year’s end by the life expectancy factor.

Assuming a husband and wife are about the same age, then this factor at age 72 is 25.6 years. Alternatively, you could multiply your account balance by 3.65%, which is 100 divided by 25.6.

The first required minimum distribution must be withdrawn by April 1 of the year, following the year that you turn 72, subsequent required minimum distributions must be withdrawn by December 31st each year.

Every year, your required minimum distribution will increase over your lifetime. Learn more on how to avoid taxes on requited minimum distributions. If you want an estimate of your required minimum distributions each year, let us do the math for you and help you develop a winning strategy. Schedule a 15 minute phone appointment with one of our financial advisors today! 

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