Why Are Values Important? – Finger Financial Five #157

Core Values

“In looking for people to hire, look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”

When I was 16 years old, my parents knew nothing. Now that I am 25, I am amazed at how much they have learned in 9 years.” I read this somewhere. It still makes me laugh.

When I used to see companies with Mission Statements, Culture, and Values, I was like a 16-year-old. I did not understand why financial values are important. 

Now that Riverbend is 4 ½ years old, I can see why. Unfortunately, I am 50, not 25…(sigh).

Are we working with the right people? Do we hire based on these values? 

Are we making decisions based on these values? Clarity guides us and empowers everyone with a framework to make decisions. 

why are values important

Riverbend Wealth Management’s core values are:

  • Kindness: Engaging, Present and attentive, Compassionate, Big heart, Warm and loving, Humility.
  • Passionate: Enthusiastic, Positive attitude, Results-driven.
  • Integrity: Open and Honest communication, Ethical, Do what’s right, We promptly admit our mistakes.
  • Willingness to Grow: To Learn, To coach and be coachable, To be flexible and willing to go the extra mile, Create new ideas to improve effectiveness, Default to simplification when possible.
  • Professionalism: In our interactions and impressions, Commitment to Excellence, Transparency, Trustworthy, Accountable.

Why do I state these in the Finger Financial Five? See Accountable above. How does this relate to financial planning? Choose a company that embodies the values that are aligned with your own. Whichever that company may be. 

On the lighter side, Elliott is home for the holidays. He has one class that hasn’t been reported yet, but he should end up with a 3.7 GPA or higher. Very proud, Mom and Dad! 

Last week, I talked to him. He said, “Dad, the first few months were a struggle. But the other night, I was sitting at a friend’s dorm looking around at us. We are young, free, having a good time…All I have to do is go to class and study for 3-5 hours a day. This is the best time of my life!”

“Son, I said, NO KIDDING!”

No Finger Financial Five next week. Enjoy your holidays and Happy New Year!

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